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【来源:  日期:2018/05/08 00:00:00    浏览量: 】



主持国家自然科学基金、天博体育下载平台科技厅面上项目、优秀人才、博士启动基金等、企业横向等项目8项,以主要参加人参加国家自然科学基金、国家科技支撑项目等课题近10项。获得天博体育下载平台科技进步奖、天博体育下载科技进步奖等5项,撰写论文获天博体育下载平台自然科学学术成果论文奖5项。在Journal of Animal ScienceAnimalBritish Journal of Nutrition、动物营养学报等国内外学术期刊发表论文80余篇,其中第1/通讯作者SCI论文10余篇。副主编、参编著作各1部。




H. Y. Liu, X. Li, X. Zhu, W. G. Dong and G. Q. Yang*. Soybean oligosaccharides attenuate odour compounds in excreta by modulating the caecal microbiota in broilers. Animal. 2021, 15(3):1-8.

Haiying Liu, Yabo Sun#, Jinshan Zhao, Weiguo Dong, Guiqin Yang*. Effect of zinc supplementation on semen quality, sperm antioxidant ability, and seminal and blood plasma mineral profiles in cashmere goats. Biological Trace Element Research. 2020, 196: 438-445.

Hai-Ying Liu, Xin-Yun Zhao, Gui-Qin Yang*, Ji-Zhe Liu, and Xin Zhu. Effects of dietary stachyose levels on caecal skatole concentration, hepatic cytochrome P450 mRNA expressions and enzymatic activities in broilers. British Journal of Nutrition. 2020, 124: 1013-1020.

Zheng Li, Qingchao Liao#, Yuwei Han, Liang Deng*, Haiying Liu*#(通讯作者). A study of serum mineral, antioxidant capacity, and hematobiochemical parameters in horses with pica in China. Journal of Veterinary Behavior, 2020, 37: 81-85.

Haiying Liu, Richard Puchala, Shirron LeShure, Terry A. Gipson, Michael D. Flythe, Arthur L. Goetsch*. Effects of lespedeza condensed tannins alone or with monensin, soybean oil, and coconut oil on feed intake, growth, digestion, ruminal methane emission, and heat energy by yearling alpine doelings. Journal of Animal Science, 2019, 97:885-899.

H. Liu, R. Puchala, T. A. Gipson, and A. L. Goetsch*. Relationships among body condition score, linear measures, body mass indexes, and growth performance of yearling Alpine doelings consuming high-forage diets. Applied Animal Science, 2019, 35(5): 511-520.

H. Y. Liu, R. Hou, G. Q. Yang*, F. Zhao and W. G. Dong. In vitro effects of inulin and soybean oligosaccharide on skatole production and the intestinal microbiota in broilers. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2018, 102(3): 706-716.

Mao-hong Sun, Chun-wang Yue, Ting-ting Liu, Lin Li, Hai-ying Liu*(通讯作者). The complete mitochondrial genome of Budorcas taxicolor bedfordi (Artiodactyla: Bovidae) and phylogenetic studies of Caprinae. Conservation Genetics Resources, 2017, 9(3), 397-400.

H. Y. Liu, M. H. Sun, G. Q. Yang, C. L. Jia, M. Zhang, Y. J. Zhu and Y. Zhang*. Influence of different dietary zinc levels on cashmere growth, plasma testosterone level and zinc status in male Liaoning Cashmere goats. Journal of Animal Physiology and Animal Nutrition, 2015, 99 (5): 880-886.

Maohong Sun, Chunwang Yue, Guangrui Geng, Baodi Wang, Dong Li, Qiang Hao, Haiying Liu*(通讯作者). Effects of Chitosan on serum lipids index in Chinese Holstein dairy calves. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances, 2013, 12(18): 1450-1453.

Haiying Liu, Chao Liu, Guiqin Yang*, Hui Li, Jin Dai, Yuyan Cong, Xuejian Li, DNA polymorphism of insulin-like growth factor-binding protein-3 gene and its association with cashmere traits in Cashmere goats. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2012, 25(11): 1515-1520.

Haiying Liu, Chunwang Yue, Wei Zhang, Xiaoping Zhu, Guiqin Yang, Zhihai Jia*. Association of the KAP 8.1 Gene Polymorphisms with Fibre Traits in Inner Mongolian Cashmere Goats. Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2011, 24 (10): 1341-1347.

包剑宇, 韩迪, 苏婷婷, 刘海英*(通讯作者), 王春艳, 朱延旭, 汪澈. 饲粮不同碳水化合物比例对辽宁绒山羊瘤胃发酵参数和血液生化指标的影响. 饲料研究, 2021,(11):1-4.

苏婷婷, 韩迪, 张璐, 梁丽萍, 刘海英*(通讯作者). 单宁对反刍动物氮代谢及瘤胃微生物影响的研究进展. 中国畜牧杂志, 2021, 网络首发

包剑宇, 韩迪, 刘海英*(通讯作者), 朱延旭, 王春艳, 孙亚波. 饲粮不同结构性碳水化合物比例对辽宁绒山羊生长性能、养分表观消化率和血液指标的影响. 家畜生态学报

林颖, 王文楠#, 刘海英*(通讯作者), 朱延旭*, 张晓鹰, 王占红. 蛋氨酸和生物素对体外培养绒山羊次级毛囊生长的影响. 动物营养学报, 2020, 32(9):4222-4229.

林颖, 刘海英*(通讯作者), 朱延旭, 张晓鹰. 生物素对动物毛发生长的影响及其应用. 动物营养学报, 2020, 32(5): 2046-2051.

齐永强, 金艳华, 李洪根, 刘海英*(通讯作者). 植物单宁在畜牧生产中的应用. 家畜生态学报, 2020, 41(12):79-83.

王文楠, 孙亚波, 刘海英*(通讯作者), 朱延旭, 杨桂芹, 王耀民. 蛋氨酸对动物生长发育及毛发生长调控作用的研究进展. 中国饲料,2019, (5): 4-7.

刘海静,刘海英*(通讯作者), 杨桂芹, 李学俭, 董维国. LiCL对绒山羊毛囊β-catenin表达和毛囊生长的影响. 沈阳农业大学学报. 2016, 47(6): 385-390.

魏玉青, 刘海英*(通讯作者), 杨桂芹, 李学俭, 董维国. 调控绒毛生长相关因子的研究进展. 饲料工业. 2016, 37(7): 54-57.