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【来源:  日期:2023/03/02 12:25:27    浏览量: 】


狄冉山东省泰安人,博士,副研究员,硕士生导师。2002年获青岛农业大学学士学位;2008年获中国农业科学院博士学位。2008年至今在中国农业科学院北京畜牧兽医研究所工作。主要从事动物遗传进化、羊重要性状分子机理解析及肉羊新品种培育工作,现任肉羊遗传育种创新团队骨干;中国畜牧兽医学会养羊学分会理事。曾获第31届国际动物遗传学大会(ISAG, Amsterdam, Netherlands)青年奖。





1. 国家自然科学基金国际合作与交流项目“非洲和中东绵羊多羔性状的特异分子遗传学机制研究” 主持人(编号:31861143012)

2. 国家重点研发计划:“绵羊新品种新品系培育及良繁”项目子课题负责人(课题编号:2021YFD1300904)

3. 农业科研杰出人才及其创新团队项目“肉羊高繁殖力分子机理研究” 参与人(编号:农办人[2015]62号)

4. 中国农业科学院科技创新工程“肉羊遗传育种科研团队” 骨干(编号:ASTIP-IAS13)


1. 专利:一种miRNA及对其进行检测的特异性引物和方法ZL 201410740648.2);一种用于预测绵羊多羔性状的SNP分子标记及其应用(ZL 201811169521.4)。

2. Di R#, Fan Y#, He X, Liu Q, Wang X, Gong Y, Mwacharo JM, Wei C, Liu Y*, Chu M*. Epigenetic Regulation of miR-25 and Lnc107153 on Expression of Seasonal Estrus Key Gene CHGA in Sheep. Biology, 2023, 12, 250.

3. Di R#, Zhang R S#, Mwacharo J M, Wang X Y, He X Y, Liu Y F, Zhang J L, Gong Y M, Zhang X S*, Chu M X*. Characteristics of piRNAs and their comparative profiling in testes of sheep with different fertility. Frontiers in Genetics, 2022,13:1078049.

4. Di R(#), He J N(#), Song S H(#), Tian D M(#), Liu Q Y, Liang X J, Ma Q, Sun M, Wang J D, Zhao W M, Cao G L, Wang J X, Yang Z M, Ge Y, Chu M X(*).  Characterization and comparative profiling of ovarian microRNAs during ovine anestrus and the breeding season. BMC Genomics, 2014, 15(1):899.

5. Tao L(#), He X Y(#), Wang F Y, Pan L X, Wang X Y, Gan S Q, Di R(*), Chu M X(*). Identification of genes associated with litter size combining genomic approaches in Luzhong mutton sheep. Animal Genetics, 2021, 52(4):545-549.

6. Tao L(#), Liu Y F(#), Zhang H, Li H Z, Zhao F P, Wang F Y, Zhang R S, Di R(*), Chu M X(*). Genome-wide association study and inbreeding depression on body size traits in Qira black sheep (Ovis aries). Animal Genetics, 2021, 52(4):560-564.

7. Di R(#), Liu Q Y(#), Song S H#, Tian D M#, He J N, Ge Y, Wang X Y, Hu W P, Mwacharo J M, Pan Z Y, Wang J D, Ma Q, Cao G L, Jin H H, Liang X J(*), Chu M X(*). Expression characteristics of pineal miRNAs at ovine different reproductive stages and the identification of miRNAs targeting the AANAT gene. BMC Genomics, 2021, 22(1):217.

8. Di R, Farhad Vahidi S M, Ma Y H(*), He X H, Zhao Q J, Han J L, Guan W J, Chu M X, Sun W, Pu Y P. Microsatellite analysis revealed genetic diversity and population structure among Chinese cashmere goats. Animal Genetics, 2011, 42(4):428-431.

9. He X(#), Liu Q(#), Li X, Guo X, Wang X, Hu W, Di R(*), Chu M X(*). Molecular cloning and epigenetic change detection of kiss1 during seasonal reproduction in Chinese indigenous sheep. Reprod Fertil Dev, 2018, 30(5):734-743.

10. Li C Y#, Zhang R S#, Zhang Z J, Ren C H, Wang X Y, He X Y, Mwacharo J M, Zhang X S, Zhang J L, Di R*, Chu M X*. Expression characteristics of piRNAs in ovine luteal phase and follicular phase ovaries. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 2022, 9:921868.

11. Tao L(#), He X Y(#), Wang F Y, Zhong Y J, Pan L X, Wang X Y, Gan S Q, Di R(*), Chu M X(*). Luzhong mutton sheep: inbreeding and selection signatures. Journal of Animal Science and Technology, 2020, 62(6):777-789.

12. Wang F Y(#), Chu M X(#), Pan L X, Wang X Y, He X Y, Zhang R S, Tao L, La Y F, Ma L, Di R(*). Polymorphism detection of GDF9 gene and its association with litter size in Luzhong Mutton Sheep (Ovis aries). Animals, 2021, 11(2):571.